Prime to Realize Your Potential

The world’s greatest athletes, artists, and leaders prime for peak performance before they do what they do. Why don’t you?

Michael Phelps widens his wing span and flaps his arms through the full range of motion before wrapping himself in a hug, then repeats the process. Shortly after the gun fires, he’s an Olympic gold medalist again.

Aretha Franklin ascends through her vocal range, like she has thousands of times in practice, before she walks out on stage in front of a sold out stadium.

Tony Robbins bounces on his trampoline while engaging in a minute of fire breath, psyching up his central nervous system and enhancing his energy, before he inspires millions to become better versions of themselves.

Those at the top of their field, and those at every level who seek to improve their performance, consistency, and overall health, all prime themselves. This can be a physical warm up, breath work, prayer, pump up song, mantra, or anything that helps signal to your mind and body that it’s time to go.

Why wouldn’t we bring this time-tested and proven process into the corporate sphere?

Before your big presentation, prime your mind and communication skills.

Before your daily meeting, ground yourself in the present moment to be here now with your team.

Before the hard conversation, cultivate an awareness and empathy that will lead to the best possible outcome.

You already have the tool set to perform these types of primers. You just need the know-how and repetitions to make it a part of who you are. That kind of informed practice ingrains the benefits of priming into the subconscious and makes prime performance second nature.

We can help.

Maybe it’s a short stretching routine before you start a work block.

Maybe it’s a breath work cycle to get your mind right before the call.

Maybe it’s a visualization exercise seeing the success you’re destined for.

Regardless, joining the WellFests community live sessions and cueing up tried and tested primers from our massive video library can be the difference you need to unlock your full potential in your vocation and your life.

Reach out to give it a try for free. We can’t wait to serve you!

Matt Thomas

Matt Thomas is a Partner of WellFests, the Founder of Fight and Flow, Brawl for A Cause, certified yoga and meditation instructor, and Chess-Boxing World Champion.

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