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Mental Health Initiatives For Q4 And Beyond

The Brain Is Designed To Have Periods To Rest

Taking a break from your daily demands has a direct impact on your "Default Mode Network" in your brain. When your DMN is "on" or "active" you might find your thoughts ping-ponging from thought to thought causing stress or anxiousness. Taking breaks has a quieting effect on the DMN, helping you to be present and relaxed.

Developing A Strong Rest Ethic

Support your team's mental and physical health by giving the brain an opportunity to rest within the busyness of life. Ease stress, increase creativity, and improve sleep by stepping away from your inbox for a mind and body reboot.

Mental Health Awareness Initiatives

As you prepare for Q4, here are a few resources to help make mental health a focus and to create a strong rest ethic for you and your community.

  • Moment Pebble is a tool that reminds you to pause and breathe in your day. Gift a pebble as a gentle nudge to take a moment in the busyness of the day.

  • Schedule breaks in your workflow with the Well-Being Sync-Up membership! Receive calendar invites to join expert-led, desk-friendly breaks that reset and recalibrate the mind and body.

  • Host private workshops, dedicated to enhancing well-being for a hybrid and remote workforce. WellFests partners with you to create workshop themes that align with your brand and company culture.

  • For longer-format breaks, step outside of the norm with Offsite. Host rejuvenating and inspiring retreats for you and your team.

Give Yourself Permission to Rest

You’re only as good as your team. Empower your people to take time to rest and reboot with mental health awareness initiatives. We are here to help. Reach out to for support today!